Saturday, June 22, 2024


It rained like crazy all night yesterday and Kathe and I got soaked. Of course Jim cheered us on and handed out the towels when we sloshed inside. Everything was puddles this morning, but the good news was that all the mosquitoes must have drowned and we didn’t get bitten at all today.

There isn’t much to do here in Stewart, there is a main street with two restaurants and some gift shops, but after two days you can just about see and do everything. Today’s adventure was the Stewart Museum.  Everyone we talked to in town was very proud of their museum, so it was a must see for my humans. They watched a great film about the history of the area and all the mining booms and busts over the years. Hard to believe that this town of  400 residents once was a city of over 10,000. After the film they explored the rooms filled with lots of interesting historical photographs and antiques. One room was the taxidermist’s dream with all kinds of animals from the region. Kathe liked the Grizzly Bear.

Later on they drove across the border to Hyder, Alaska to look for a seafood shop that was recommended by the visitors center. Unfortunately it was closed today as the owner had a goat that was pregnant and the shop has a sign on the door, “Closed Do TomGoat”. No seafood today! They moved on to the only other store in Hyder, the gift store, gallery and fudge shop pictured here. Crossed back over the border and waited for the rain to start again.

No cocktails tonight due to an abundance of peanut butter and maple walnut fudge sugar rush.

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