Monday, June 10, 2024



No driving today. Everyone slept late including me. No where to go, nothing to do, just relaxing and catching up on chores was the excitement of today. Kathe did some laundry and Jim worked on some little projects. The highlight of the afternoon was a trip into the town of Burlington for a stop at Camping World. Followed by a visit to the hardware store. Then the Kathies were hungry so they stopped at the local Panera before heading back to the RV park.

Tonight Warren made a delicious dinner with this burrata salad and a kale and cheese stuffed roulade steak. He stuffed it with cheese, breadcrumbs, and kale from his garden. He served it with a homemade marina sauce. Nothing left to share with the doggies.

Sad news today. While Kathe and Jim were on a walk late this afternoon they saw a bald eagle swoop down right in front of them. He picked up a tiny bunny in his talons and flew off. Beautiful sight, but bad news for our bunny.

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