Tuesday, June 25, 2024


We left Tatogga Lake early this morning. We all felt bad not telling the owners that we were leaving early, but it was such a dump that we really had to move on down the road.  Jim and Kathy T were able to book a site with full hookups about 50 miles north at the Dease Lake/Brown Family RV park. We drove the Stewart/Cassiar Highway all the way but we were only able to drive a maximum of 50 miles per hour due to the steep curves and grades.  It took over two hours to drive the distance.

The place we stopped for tonight was so much better than last night. While, like most of the parks we have encountered we only have 30amp service, we have water and sewer. A paradise compared to last night. 

They even had a grocery/liquor store and diesel fuel. The fuel however was $2.22 per liter so we will wait until the next stop in Watson Lake to fuel up. We have been paying around $1.80 to 1.90 at truck stops.

We are looking hard everyday on the highway for wildlife.  Out of Stewart we saw a small black bear cub on the highway and this morning we saw a porcupine, but still watching for moose, caribou and of course more bears.

Tonight’s cocktail was the WooWoo as it’s become a favorite with the Kathies.

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