Friday, June 14, 2024


 After sleeping in this morning it was time for the humans to explore the city of Clifton. Us doggies have been doing our own exploration already here in the campground. But they took the Jeep, left without us and set out for town. Driving into downtown Clifton too quickly they almost missed the town. Had to turn around at edge of town and drive back slowly to see the sights. They had a map with a walking tour as if there really was something worth seeing. Two antique shops, an ice cream shop, one hotel/restaurant, and a museum.

First came the two antique shops with a stop in between at the ice cream shop. Next was the museum which lots of photographs of historical buildings and people, but mostly a bunch old rusty farm equipment in a barn behind the building. Then it was time for lunch at the hotel. Boring. I’m glad I stayed home.

The excitement of the day was seeing fire trucks speeding down the highway and eventually finding out that there was a forest fire less than 2 kilometers from our campsite. This afternoon the helicopters were flying overhead and picking up water from the nearby lake to drop on the fire.  They told us that if it gets close we will be given time to evacuate. Great.

Delicious dinner tonight of fish and chips from the food truck on sight. Fresh Halibut, what a treat! The chef was a retired commercial fisherman and serves fish and chips every weekend here at the campground.

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