Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Here in Huston it’s been raining off and on both days. In fact it’s been raining off and on in every town we’ve  stayed in so far. Today Kathe promised me a bath if the sun came out, so I was crossing my paws that it wouldn’t happen. She did some laundry and then she noticed that the sun came out. So, she plopped me in the kitchen sink and next thing I knew I was under water. After I was all blown dry and beautiful she took me out for a picture in front of one of the many flower beds here in the park. Then it started raining again!

There were a few store here in Huston. They went exploring and shopped at the hardware store, grocery store, and the pharmacy. When you travel between these small towns I guess you have to buy stuff just in case you need it. Then, I guess you complain that you have no place to put stuff. At least that’s what I heard.

There are so many mosquitoes here that the humans have purchased all kinds of spray and repellents including something that looks like a tennis racquet to zap mosquitoes.  Look out, you could be zapped and it stings!

Tonight’s cocktail was a Farmberry Cosmo.

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