Sunday, June 16, 2024



The plan this morning was to take a hike to the waterfall first thing. The falls are a short jeep trail away and even shorter walk through the forest. Since it was already starting to rain Kathe took me for a walk around the campground instead. I enjoyed the walk much more than she did.

A change of plans, they all piled into the Taylor’s car and drove to Prince George for a Walmart run. Prince George is a big city about 35 miles away but they have all the stores you could want. We haven’t had any grocery stores in any of the small towns we have been staying in, so Walmart was a treat. Of course they made a stop at the Liquor Store to stock up as well.

After lunch the sun came out, so while I was napping they set out to find the waterfall. Jim drove the jeep on the trail leading up to a parking area and they walked about a half mile on a rocky trail to the surprisingly large waterfall. We wouldn’t have known it was right around the corner from our camp, but KathyT found it on the web. Later they  found a nice trail  through the woods behind the RV Park, which was right along the river.

Tomorrow we leave early in the morning for Huston, BC another long driving day.

Tonight’s cocktail was a vanilla raspberry martini.

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