Wednesday, June 5, 2024


A long drive up the extremely rough I-5 today. So rough in fact that both Jim and Warren are working to repair their bathroom walls. The bumps and potholes were so bad these last two days that the walls have shifted in both coaches. Jim tried to bolt the wall to the floor last night but it moved again today. Both guys are getting out the toolboxes and working on the problem this afternoon.

It’s super hot here today, at least 104 in the shade. There’s a nice patch of soft green grass at each of our sites.  We didn’t see anything but dried grass and weeds at the last two places and that’s quite a problem for me. Foxtails and dried grass stick to my coat and boy does Kathe get after me with the brush. She’s not too gentle, but I understand that  foxtails can really hurt if they get into my skin.

Too hot for the humans to cook dinner tonight. Even too hot for martinis! Now that’s a first. Guess I’ll just relax after my meal and chill out on the cool tile floor.

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