Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Woke up this morning and it was raining. We went back to sleep. By about 11:00 Kathy T came over to discuss a plan for the day. Kathy is very good at planning adventures for the humans. Today the plan was to drive 18 miles into Chilliwack, BC to check out the Dickens museum, a British market and tea room.

Great plan, except when they arrived they found out that the museum was really an antique shop with lots of bone china tea cups and teapots for sale. Not much use for fine bone china in a motor home.  Also the tearoom was closed today and open only on the weekends. Warren did purchase some British food stuffs and some homemade pies. But otherwise the trip was bust.

There was however, a Safeway and a liquor store in town. Since we aren’t sure when we will see that combination again, it was time to stock up with a few things. And later this afternoon, Jim took Warren and Kathy T back to hike to hike Bridal Veil Trail. I just stayed home with my Kathe and took a well deserved nap.

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