Sunday, June 9, 2024


We crossed the Oregon/Washington border early this morning and made it all the way to Burlington Washington in time for my dinner. It was our longest ride yet and I tried my best to make Kathe take me out of my crate by making a lots of noise. No dice! I had to ride in the crate for safety and no amount of begging worked. I managed to give Kathe a headache.

We arrived here at the KOA in the late afternoon. It’s paradise! Tall green trees and large sites with grass on either side of us. It’s so quiet. There are fat robins flying around and I saw a very tiny bunny on my evening walk.

The park is hidden away from the highway and we had cross over this creek to get to the area with the biggest sites. The bridge was so narrow the we almost didn’t fit. This campground is a KOA “Holiday” which means it’s set up for spending more time here. Luckily we are here one more night before we enter Canada.

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