Thursday, June 27, 2024



Here in Watson Lake there is a famous place called the Sign Post Forest where everyone traveling through can post a sign to commemorate their Alaskan Adventure. Warren made our sign last year and altered it for this trip with the date, our names, our RV club and the cities that we traveled from.  Jim and Warren loaded a latter, screws and a drill in the Jeep so they could hang our sign in the forest today.  There are over 100,000 signs at last count here nailed to all the wooden posts and trees. Many of these signs are visible from the ALCAN Highway.  Here’s a picture of the official posting, and one that shows the sign that Warren made.

After a quick visit to the Visitors Center to watch a film about the Yukon gold rush they stopped at the grocery store before heading back to the RV park for lunch. Shopping for groceries is a big deal here as everyone is worried about what will happen in a couple of days when we cross the border into Alaska. People are saying that we can’t bring any veggies, fruit, or meat from Canada into the  USA. No one seems to know exactly what will happen, so the humans are trying to use up anything in the fridge. Luckily my dog food is in its original packaging, but who knows about the chicken breast that I eat. Supposedly only chicken products that state the origin of USA in the original packaging are allowed.

Later in the afternoon both Kathies and Jim saw a presentation about the Aurora Borealis at the Museum in town. I think it was really good film, but they had very comfortable seats to watch the show on a dome ceiling. At some point all three of them fell asleep. No one could explain the phenomenon of the lights to me.

Tonight’s cocktail was a Paloma.

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