Friday, August 19, 2022


Well, here it is, the final day of our wonderful summer trip.

We've traveled over 3,000 miles and stayed in Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Wahington, and Oregon this year. We've seen big cities, small towns, mountains, deserts, lakes and oceans. Weve camped in State Parks, National Parks, and many private resorts. 

There have been lots of tasty meals, lots of delicious wines and many evenings spent around the fire pit with our family and friends. 

And Guess what, we plan to do it all over again next year! Alaska here we come!!

Thursday, August 18, 2022


Still here in Paso Robles, and as you can see still drinking wine and eating delicious food. 

Not a doggie biscuit in sight! Each day is a different winery, and each night is another delicious restaurant. Today they had lunch at Justin Winery the tasting of several very excellent wines. Kathe and Jim liked the wines so much that they joined the wine club. 

After that tasting they stopped to pick up their wine club shipments at the two other wineries that they belong to here in Paso Robles.

I wonder if there is something like a dog food club, they could send three cans of a new dog food every three months. I'll have to talk to Jim about that!

The weather here has been very hot and dry every day, perfect for the harvesting of the grapes, but hard on us who have to walk around in our fur coat all the time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


So sorry I didn't post yesterday, but it wasn't worth your time. We spent August 15th driving from Santa Rosa to Greenfield, CA.  The highways were so rough that Kathe said her brains were rattled. The bumpiest road of the whole trip. We spent the night at the Yanks Resort, in the middle of lots of agriculture. The resort was nice, but there was nothing to see or do there. It was hot, and so windy that the trees were all slanted in the same direction.

Last night we were in Paso Robles at the Wine Country RV Resort waiting for the arrival of Jim's brother and his wife Linda. 

Once they got here, the fun began. Warren cooked his special smoked barbecued ribs, which along with the grilled corn, coleslaw, and cheesy garlic bread, made for a delicious dinner. They sat outside for the evening and swapped stories until it was my bedtime.

Early this afternoon all six of my human friends went for a wine tasting and lunch at Daou Vineyards. They tasted wines and ate several specialty luncheon plates on the members only patio overlooking the vineyard. Then everyone including me took a nap this afternoon. In a few minutes they will be off to eat dinner at a local fish restaurant.  I'm not expecting a doggie bag.

Sunday, August 14, 2022


What a change in the KOA this morning. Over 80% of the people checked out and it's now a quiet, campground. Note to self: don't ever come here on a weekend, especially the weekend of the County Fair and the last weekend before school starts. So, I guess we might stay here again, but only on a weekday!

This afternoon my humans were invited to Kathe's brothers' home for lunch and a garden tour. Warren is quite a gardener, so he was very interested to see all the things Mark and Vicki are growing in their back yard. There are apple, pear, cherry and peach trees. They also have a variety of citrus trees and a huge vegetable garden. It's truly a fantastic use of a backyard!

Vicki prepared a wonderful lunch for them with almost all of the produce coming from their garden. Beautiful salads and a large wild poached salmon. Mark even made an apple crisp with homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert. Truly a delicious feast! 

After lunch, Mark and Vicki insisted that everyone share in the bounty of their garden. We came home with grapes, eggplants, cucumbers, and three varieties of delicious tomatoes. 

Tomorrow, we leave for the trip down south, eventually to Paso Robles. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022


We had a really rough ride today down the 101 and we were all very happy when we finally reached Petaluma and the KOA. That is, until we saw the hundreds of people that were already here. We've been here before, but it's never been like this. 

It's a zoo! Yes, they even have a petting zoo. The place smells like goats. 

Looking at the pool you couldn't even see the water for the number of kids crowded in the space. Every site was filled with campers and there were at least 100 tents in the open field area. And there are lots of unfriendly barking doggies. Not what we were hoping for after a long drive. 

As there was no one to guide us to our site, Kathe and Jim got lost and almost took out a tree trying to turn around and get back to the space assigned to us. Jim was worried about the scratches on the coach, but he was able to polish them out. 

Kathy T got lost as well! I guess we were all tired, but we agreed that we would never come back to this place! Ever!

We are feeling a little better after a nice dinner and some treats, but happy that we are only here two nights.  

Friday, August 12, 2022


I guess they got tired of looking at trees, because today they drove off early in the morning. The first destination was a farmers' market in the town of Garberville about 20 minutes south of Meyers Flat. They did bring home some stuff, some eggs, but mostly vegetables. Both Kathies bought some delicious looking homemade jams. The overall impression of Garberville was that it was a hippie haven, and so they didn't spend much time there.

Back home to put things in the fridge, before heading in the opposite direction. That was north about 30 minutes to the Victorian town of Ferndale. They had a lot of fun looking at all the old restored Victorian homes and some bed and breakfast establishments. They walked the Main Street looking in all the little shops and stopped for a really nice Mexican lunch. They didn't come home with much this time, just a pair of socks for my Kathe and some miniature dollhouse furniture for Kathy T.

Tonight, is our last night here in Giant Redwoods Resort, and tomorrow we head south to Petaluma and the KOA. Looking forward to visiting Uncle Mark, Aunt Vicki, and my cousins Alex and Jake while we are there.  

Thursday, August 11, 2022


Today I went for a couple of walks around the campground with Kathe, and it is so spooky and quiet with all these tall trees up there. I don't stay out too long! Did I mention all the stuff that sticks in your fur? Redwood trees shed a lot of tiny branches and I like to bring them inside for Jim to sweep up every day. 

This afternoon my humans all went for a walk in the ancient redwoods on the Avenue of the Giants. It was supposed to be a hike, but it was really a walk in between the giant trees. It's impossible to take a picture to show just how big the trees are. First, they walked in the Founders Grove where they had a printed guide to all the interesting facts about the trees. Then they took the advice of the Rangers at the forest and found another area to visit.

The Rangers suggested that they drive to the Rockefeller Grove, as they felt that was the most beautiful drive in the forest. The road was very narrow, but they weren't wrong, it was beautiful. Some of the oldest trees were in that forest.They came upon this Stag, just munching the grass on the side of the road. A really wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Here we are at the Giant Redwoods RV Park. The Internet is not so great, so I will make this short. It was a beautiful drive down highway 101, but we have no pictures of the drive. 

Jim wanted the Kathies to find a fuel station before we reached our destination. Not my Kathe's favorite job. After trying to find something on the internet big enough to accommodate 2 big rigs, they found a Costco in Eureka. It looked good until they pulled in line only to find that they didn't sell diesel fuel at this Costco. How scary, two big coaches that had to cross 4 or 5 lanes of traffic to exit without any damage. I thought my Kathe was going to have a coronary. Luckily, a Costco attendant stopped the traffic to let both of our rigs get out of the line of cars and back onto the highway. A few blocks down the highway we stumbled onto a great 76 station and fueled up.

After that experience nothing could be as bad! When we pulled into our RV Park we just decided to chill out for the rest of the day.  It's a really great park, right in the middle of the Avenue of the Giants. They plan to tour the area tomorrow and may even take a hike into the redwood groves.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Today the sun finally came out long enough for the planned bike ride into the State Park. Much of the morning was taken up with grocery shopping, as the next place we are staying sent us an email letting us know that there are no grocery stores near them. As long there is chicken in the freezer and a big bag of dog food, what else do we need?

Oh, back to the bike ride. They rode down the street and into the park, luckily there were very few cars on the road. Going into the park on your bicycle is free, but they want seven dollars a day if you drive in with your car.

They rode all over the park, first to the beach where Warren and Jim looked for more agates and small shells. That beach reminded everyone of Hawaii, except for the temperature. 

The second stop was at the trail to Wedding Rock, where Jim and Warren took a hike, first down to the beach where they saw starfish on the rocks. After that they hiked all the way to the top of Wedding Rock, just because they could! 

Tomorrow, they leave for Meyers Flat, California where they will be camped in Redwoods, on the Avenue of the Giants. 

Monday, August 8, 2022


Very slow start to our day today. When Jim woke up this morning, he noticed that we had no power. Other campers also realized the same thing, the power was out in the whole neighborhood. We have a generator, so by running it, we had plenty of power for our breakfast. Everyone just hung around waiting for the power to come back on, which happened at about 11:30. 

Kathy T didn't feel well today, so Warren, Jim and my Kathe decided to take a hike at the Prairie Creek State Park after lunch. The plan was to take a short hike and look for the Roosevelt Elk that are supposed to roam the meadows of the park.

The first destination was Trillium Falls which was through some old-growth redwoods to a waterfall. It was only about a half mile and there were signs that bear and elk frequented the area. Yikes! Next, they drove to the Park Headquarters, and saw some of the elk close enough to take pictures of them.

Not satisfied with such a short hike, they looked for more adventure and found a two more hikes. The Cathedral Trail connected to the Elk Prairie Trail which totaled an additional 2.7 miles. They were dragging by that time and still had another mile to hike back to the car. I don't think that was exactly what they planned because they are all pooped tonight.

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Today was supposed to be a day to go bike riding into Patrick Point State Park. By the way, it's now called Sue-Meg State Park, the name was changed back to the Yurok Indian name recently. Patrick, as it turns out was a bad guy, so he lost his park. Anyway, it was so foggy this morning that the bike ride was postponed, hopefully for another sunny day. 

Looking at the Redwood Forest Map, they found a hike through the ancient redwood grove named for Lady Bird Johnston.  The hike was about a mile and a half loop through old-growth redwood, Douglas fir, and tanoak to where Lady Bird Johnson dedicated Redwood National Park in 1968. Some of the trees were at least 20 feet in diameter. There were even trees still thriving, showing signs of fire damage from many years ago. Of course, it was very foggy and cool on the hike with plenty of beautiful things to see. This area was a major logging area before the Redwoods State and National Parks were established.  These pictures show how the fog floats into the forest to nurture the trees.

On the way back to our campsite there were many sightings of the Roosevelt Elk herds that wander through the open prairies of wildflowers and grass. Maybe we will get close enough to take some pictures while we are here.

Saturday, August 6, 2022


We are finally here at "Sounds of the Sea" RV Resort. This is my third time here and we have the best site ever. This is our view, we have our own deck that looks out to the sea, and we can even hear the sea lions singing to each other.  There are wild black-berries everywhere, so the first thing Kathe did was pick a whole pail full. The cobbler is already in the oven!

Our drive here was very scary at times because of the road work on many of the bridges along the coast. Kathe kept telling Jim not to look down because the motor home was so close to the edge of the cliff. It was also foggy most of the way down. I know the redwood trees need the fog, but do they need so much of it?

Just getting settled in tonight. After three days in the forest the motor home was very dirty, and Jim took most of the afternoon to clean thing up. Now there is nothing to do but eat, drink and relax. 

Friday, August 5, 2022


This morning everyone was up early to catch the low tide at the Agate Beach. When I say early, that's human speech for 10:30 maybe 11:00. I've been up for hours! 

Anyway, Warren heard about this beach that was supposed to have lots of agates, pretty white stones with lots of gold flecks. As you can see, it was a very beautiful beach, with practically no one else around. There were lots of birds enjoying the low tide and all, but it was darn cold and windy. That rock out there is home to over 300 species of sea birds. Warren found two nice agates. Jim and Kathe found a bunch of pretty stones which they threw away, and Kathy T flew another of her beautiful kites. And it was darn cold and windy!

Next on the agenda today was a trip to the "Trees of Mystery," which is a giant tourist trap on Highway 101 in the middle of the Redwoods. Jokingly called the Trees of Misery, my humans proceeded to tramp through the woods and follow the crowds. It was an interesting and informative trail up into a forest with lots of giant trees. Part of the trail was a sky-bridge of 9 suspension walkways that 3 of the humans bravely crossed. Guess who stayed on the ground and watched them? The last part of the trail (before the gift shop) was a gondola ride that took them up above the tops of the trees. That was impressive.

Tomorrow it's another drive down the coast to our next stop, Sounds of the Sea, Trinidad, California.

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Here we are right in the middle of the Redwoods. It’s so quiet here at night, almost spooky because the trees are so big and tall. Only one little problem, pine sap everywhere, including on my paws. Kathe was not very gentle this morning, but she finally removed a rock stuck in between my toes using mayonnaise. Bad news all that work, and I have three more paws!

Today the humans went out to see more Redwood trees at Jedediah Smith State Park. We camped there once but now they only allow 25-foot motor homes, so cross that one off your list. They were however able to hike in the park and see the huge trees along the river.

Later they went to see the Battery Lighthouse in Crescent City, an historic landmark which was built in 1856. It’s a cape cod style lighthouse and still functional. They walked up to the lighthouse to have a picnic and hardly finished their lunch before they were asked to leave. Apparently, the tide was coming in and if they didn’t leave quickly, they would have to wade through water to get back to the car. Or wait till low tide this evening at 8:30 PM. They are home now in time for my dinner.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Crossed the border this morning, and we are on our way back home. The drive on Highway 101 was beautiful but so difficult. Back and forth on the windy road for several hours. Lots of beautiful scenery, but the road was so rough that Kathe couldn't hold her cell phone steady long enough to get a good picture. The phone kept bouncing along with the road. Jim finally stopped at a viewpoint, and she snapped this one of the rocks along the Oregon Coast. 

One of hundreds of beautiful coastal views we saw today. The coast was very foggy and cool, so different than the hot weather we have experienced much of the summer.  We seem to be far enough away from the forest fire to have clear blue sky.

What a wonderful surprise it was when we arrived at our campground. Ramblin' Redwoods is exactly as advertised, in the middle of a Redwood Grove.  We have huge Redwoods all around us, so tall it's hard to take a picture. We are really happy to be here for the next three nights. 

It's so cool tonight we are even going to have a campfire!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


This morning while I was recovering from the ordeal of getting the long-promised bath in the kitchen sink, the humans decided to go for a bike ride.  Kathy and Warren drove up to our campground with their bikes and Kathe and Jim met them on the park road. There is a really nice bike path to the beach, but Jim decided that they should ride on the road because it was smoother, and not as narrow as the path. 

First, they rode about a mile to the beach and then another 2 miles to see the Lighthouse on the Coquille River. This historic lighthouse was built 1895 and neglected for many years before the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department took over the maintenance. Volunteer Park Rangers are on site to protect this landmark.

After they rode back to camp, they decided to have lunch together and take a drive to Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint. The Taylors have a collection of kites that they wanted to fly on the rocks above the beach. It was a very windy afternoon. The rocks and tidal flats adjacent to the park form part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge.

There are more than 300 bird species that frequent this area. Perfect place for flying birds as well as kites.

Monday, August 1, 2022


Enjoying our stay here at the Bullards Beach State Park. We have a really nice site with high shrubbery on all three sides which makes it very private. It's a huge State Park, but we are in our own little space.

Kathe spent the morning doing loads of laundry while Jim was paying bills. I was a little afraid that I was going to get a bath today, but I lucked out. I'm really dirty after spending time at Lemolo in the dirt and gravel, but today was cloudy and cold. So, no bath for me.

Later in the afternoon Kathe went for a long walk to the beach and took a couple of pictures. There is a really nice walking path from the park to the beach and the lighthouse. Tomorrow Kathe and Jim will take a bike ride to the same area with Warren and Kathy.

The Taylors arrived today from Canyonville and are really enjoying the cooler weather here. I have my fur coat, but everyone else is wearing sweatshirts.

Sunday, July 31, 2022


We left Lemolo Lake this morning and it was very smoky due to a fire now raging in the Yreka area on the California/Oregon border. Seems like every summer there is a fire somewhere to worry about. We could smell smoke in the air, even though the fire is miles away from us. Hoping that they get it contained soon.

We traveled down highway 138, which is the Umpqua Scenic Byway, but it wasn't very scenic most of the way. Due to the recent fires, a huge area of the forest was completely destroyed. So many trees lost, so sad to drive down the highway and see nothing but the skeletal remains of thousands of pine trees.

Eventually we reached Rosburg and highway 42/99 and made our way to the 101 and the Oregon Coast. It's very cool here, about 67 degrees right now, and the sky above us is blue. No smoke here except from the campers next door. We're looking forward to a cool night's sleep without air conditioning.

We haven't done much because we arrived so late this afternoon, but tomorrow we are going to explore the Lighthouse and the beach. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022


We are only a few miles from Diamond Lake, so Jim loaded the bikes on the Jeep this morning for a ride around the Lake. We have our own lake here at the campground, but there is no bike path, just a dirt and wood chip path down to the water. They do have boats to rent here, but Jim really wanted to ride. 

It’s still pretty hot here but a bike ride in the shade around the lake appealed to both of them. The ride was really very beautiful most of the way, but the recent fires in this area left its mark. Of course, Jim rode longer and farther than Kathe, but she waited for him by the lake under the pine trees. This is a shot looking down the bike path.

Tomorrow, we leave for the cooler Oregon coast. I’m sad to leave the chipmunks, but I’m ready for a change of scenery.

Friday, July 29, 2022



Ok here goes, another blog written on Kathe’s tablet. No internet AGAIN! 

Today they went looking for adventure. Crater Lake National Park is just a few miles from Lemolo Lake. They decided to take a picnic and leave me home to watch the chipmunks. We are camped in the middle of the forest, there are lots of tress, and lots of wild and crazy chipmunks. Sad to say, the area around here had a devastating fire recently, and so many of the trees were burned. The road into Crater Lake would make you cry to see how much it’s changed since our last visit.

Crater Lake itself is still beautiful, the deepest lake in the world, and so very blue. Once you get into the National Park, there are still lots of green pine trees and lots of tourists. Kathe and Jim spent the whole day driving around and checking out the overlooks, and of course checking out the giant campground. There are tons of campsites, but I don’t think we will ever camp there. No water, no power, not our style.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


We are camped in a KOA at Lemolo Lakes Oregon. We had to drive into the place on a 5-mile pothole road to a dirt road and the campground.  It's a good thing Warren and Kathy couldn't get a reservation here. Gianni and Bella would not like this place at all. Trees and dirt, and more trees and dirt. Of course, Jim loves it, and I do too. I haven’t seen these many chipmunks, in forever! Kathe didn’t like going outside in the dark, but that’s okay with me.

After getting set up, which took a while due to the excessive slope, they decided to visit four of the six waterfalls this area is known for. Here is a picture of Clearwater Falls.

I have to write using Kathe’s tablet because we have absolutely no internet in the park.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


This morning we had to move from site 72 to another site on the other side of the RV park. Seems that Kathe made a mistake on the reservation and we only had site 72 for 2 not 3 nights. Luckily, the park had a cancellation and we were able to move this morning to site 40. A closer site to the Taylors, but not as nice a view, but we are able to stay another night. It's closer to the dog walk which makes two of us happy.

It's still blazing hot today, the paper says there's a record heat wave in the Northeast. We know! It's 103 in the shade. I'm just glad we have 3 air conditioners running, and a nice cold tile floor to curl up on.

The humans went to the Mill District for lunch today. This area was once a lumber mill in Bend right on the Deschutes River. Now it's a shopping mall with some really nice restaurants. You can see the people floating in tubes down along the River and keeping cool on a hot summer afternoon. 

Tomorrow we leave the Bend/Sisters and head toward the Crater Lake area. We're staying in Lemolo Lakes, a new adventure for us. The Taylors will be going to Seven Feathers Resort as they weren't able to get a reservation where we are staying. We'll meet them again on the Coast in a few days.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


It's been about 103 degrees all day today.  Too hot to do anything strenuous. It's just starting to cool down enough to walk outside now, but it's almost dark and time to go to bed.

Jim went for a bike ride this morning, but no one would go with him. He looked beat when he returned. Who wants to exercise in such extreme heat? I stayed home and helped Kathe work on her needlepoint in the air-conditioned motor home. Kathy T had a sales meeting and worked until well after lunch time, while Warren took a nap. My humans aren't usually this lazy, but the heat has gotten to all of us.

Later this afternoon they finally left the RV Park and went for an excursion to the Tumalo Waterfall in Bend. It was a 97-foot waterfall with a short uphill walk from the parking lot to the top of the falls.

 It was much cooler there and worth the walk. Will it be cooler tomorrow, I sure hope so!

Monday, July 25, 2022


Well, last night was too much fun. We reunited with Kathy and Warren and my pals, Gianni and Bella. They were supposed to spend more time with their relatives, but they missed us so much that they came back to camp with us a week early.  All anyone did last night was talk, eat, drink and play cards. Nothing very blog worthy in my opinion. But it was really fun to get out in the grass with my buddies, I missed them!

This morning we drove about 140 miles to the beautiful Bend/Sisters RV Resort. We have been here before several times, and we love it. So many pretty trees and flowers, and large grassy lawn areas. This is a picture looking out our front window at one of the lakes. There are lots of rules and regulations for doggies. Kathe and I tried to follow the "no dogs on the plants or grass" rule, but the pavement was so hot I was doing the hot potato dance. Finally, I made it to the "official pet walk," only to be sprayed by a million sprinklers. Why in heavens name would they water the dog walk area in the middle of the afternoon. Kathe and I got SOAKED!  

Guess what, we aren't following their stupid rules anymore.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


Not too far from Peach Beach is the St. John's Monastery, a Greek Orthodox women's monastic community. They have a bakery and gift shop with amazing Greek food and baked goods. Kathe and Jim made that their first stop this morning. They bought some cookies, biscotti for themselves, and a large spanakopita to serve tomorrow when Warren and Kathy come to join us.

This afternoon Kathe and Jim went to the Cascade Cliffs winery in Wishram, Washington. They have a beautiful setting on the cliffs overlooking the Columbia Gorge. Apparently, the wine was pretty tasty as they came home with six bottles. Outside, from the vineyard you could see Mount Hood. It's so large that it was hard to take a picture with Kathe's phone.

At the winery they asked about the unusual logo on the wine bottles. It seems it was a taken from a group of petroglyphs at the nearby Horsethief Lake State Park. 

You know my humans, of course they had to explore and find them. These petroglyphs were saved during the construction of the John Day Dam. The rocks have been returned to the area and are displayed in large pieces in the State Park.

Friday, July 22, 2022


We arrived here at Peach Beach RV Resort in Goldendale, Oregon early this afternoon. We were greeted by the campground host and given a bag with a fresh peach and nectarine from the orchard. The orchard is right here next to the Resort. What a nice welcome!

Our campsite is on the shore of the Columbia River and there are several people wind surfing out in front of us on the river. It's so beautiful here and cool. It was 97 When we left Yakima this morning and it's in the 70's here, with a nice breeze. Didn't even need the air conditioning at all, we just opened all the windows.

Kathe and Jim walked to the Peach Orchard Farm Store and came back with more peaches and some blueberries, but that was the excitement of the day. 

I like to watch the big doggies that are camped next to us, they are playing Frisbee on the lawn and swimming in the river. I'm just going to relax with Kathe and Jim in the shade.

Thursday, July 21, 2022



It's still too hot here for a hike or a bike ride, so Kathe suggested that they find something to do indoors. After checking the 10 best things to do here in Yakima, guess what? This campground and the park surrounding it was number 3. So, they found something else on the list.

First, they went to the Yakima Valley Museum. We've been in Yakima before, but we never visited this museum. It really was a nice afternoon. Lots of information on the farming and orchards with interactive stuff and videos. Kathe enjoyed the couture exhibit of the work of Carolyn Schactler. Beautiful gowns with unusual fabrics that were very colorful.

Jim enjoyed the antique cars and especially the steam fire engine. There was also an exhibit devoted to honeybees and an interesting area about the long history of the production of apples in the Yakima Valley.

After the museum, they went to Johnston Farms. Normally they would have had a u-pick cherry orchard here, but this year the crop yield was down 20%. In the farmers market they purchased fresh apricots and nectarines, as well as a blueberry and apricot mini pie.    

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


It's really hot here! 94 in the shade! Kathe didn't want to do anything, but unfortunately, I had a grooming appointment, so she had to leave the air conditioning long enough to drive me to Petco. I looked great when she picked me up, but I fixed it myself by rolling around on the carpet. At least I still smell good.

While I was getting my bath, she spent some time in Costco and Safeway. Her excuse was that the next two places we are going are so remote that we might run out of food. Like that's ever going to happen!

Jim went for a bike ride this morning and spent the afternoon repairing the backup camera. He fixed it a few months ago with tape and string, but today he made a permanent repair. Cross your paws that it works. Oh yeah, he also washed one side of the motorhome. We could use the rain; it might help cool things down.

Tonight, Jim barbecued a steak and some vegetables. A really delicious dinner, but we couldn't eat outside.  Last night we were eaten alive by the mosquitos and the biting flies! Ah, the great outdoors.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Just in case you didn't notice, I forgot to blog last night. After that exciting day at Grand Coolie Dam, there wasn't anything else to do worth writing about. Soap Lake was a nice park if you like a gazillion kids, and bikes, scooters and skateboards. Not much for me and my humans to do. Besides, I wasn't feeling all that great for the last few days, and with the heat, all we wanted to do was relax.

This morning we left Smokiam Resort and traveled down to Yakima. Lots of farming. Corn, beans, and onions. Interesting, on one side of the highway was desert scrub, and the other side, healthy green vegetables. The difference? Water from the Columbia River flowing down from the Grand Coolie! 

Jim wanted me to post this picture of the bridge when we crossed the Columbia.

Here at Yakima Sportsman State Park, there are lots of big trees but not much shade. At least Jim is happy, they don't turn on the sprinklers here. The last two places the sprinklers would come on just when I wanted to go outside in the middle of the night. It's like raining upside down. Not fun!

It's very strange not to be with Warren, Kathy, and Gianni and Bella. We almost don't know what to do with ourselves. Kathe is cooking, but it's more fun with our buddies along. Can't wait for them to join us next week at Peach Beach.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


After that hike yesterday, Kathe wasn't going anywhere! It's just too hot to do anything strenuous. Jim suggested a scenic drive up to Grand Coolie Dam and that sounded like a good idea to her. As long as the air conditioning was on full blast! She packed a picnic lunch and off they went.

Only a few miles from where we are camped is one of the greatest geological wonders in North America. Carved by Ice Age Floods, Dry Lake Falls was once four times larger than Niagara Falls. The huge "dry waterfall" remains a clue as to the floods power. It's 3.5 miles wide and 400 feet tall. Imagine how that falls would have roared.

Next, they drove along scenic highway 155 to Grand Coolie to see the Grand Coolie Dam. Wow, they were impressed. The dam is 550 feet high and 5,223 feet long. Compare that to the Hoover Dam, which is 726 feet high, but only 1,244 feet long. It took only 3,250,00 cubic yards of concrete to build the Hoover Dam and the Grand Coolie Dam needed 11,975,521 cubic yards. Grand Coolie generates more than 21 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. Power from the Grand Coolie Dam is supplied to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana and parts of California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Canada.  

Saturday, July 16, 2022


We said goodbye to the Taylors this morning and headed out on our own to Smokiam Resort in Soap Lake, Washington. Kathe wanted to take highway 2 rather than the Interstate because she wanted the more scenic route. All went well until the city of Davenport where they closed the highway for some sort of a parade. Only one problem, they didn't mark the detour very well and we ended up on a dirt road in the town cemetery. Had to unhook the car, back up, turn around, hook back up and find our way back to the highway. 

Not fun! Made it to Soap Lake in plenty of time to have lunch and take a hike to the Lake Lenore Caves. A hard, hot hike uphill on the rocky cliff to a disappointing hole in the rocks. 

Seems there was a better view of the caves from the highway. The Smokiam Resort is a large family campground with lots of things for kids to do. There are even several Tipis that can be rented and lots of tent camping. Looks like there is plenty to do here, and if it ever cools down, I might even let Kathe take me for a long walk around the campground. Right now, I'm happy to stay inside with the air blowing full blast.

Friday, July 15, 2022


This morning we woke to a thunderstorm with rain which quickly turned into a hailstorm. The hail was only pea sized, but it sounded like bullets on the roof of the coach. After about 10 minutes it stopped, then it started thundering again and we received more hail. Then a few minutes later the sun came out like nothing ever happened. Quite an experience, luckily no damage except to out 

Today was our last day in Liberty Lakes, and our last day with the Taylors, Bella and Gianni for a while. We are leaving them tomorrow as they will be going to visit family for the next two weeks. We will meet them again on the Oregon Coast later this month. 

This afternoon Kathy T. found a beautiful place right in the middle of a Spokane City Park. The Nishinomiya Japanese Garden was amazing, and today it was enjoyed by many people as well as my humans. It was a quiet place to wander or sit and admire the trees and Koi ponds.  The park was in the middle of a neighborhood of small craftsmen style homes. 

Tomorrow we will head to Soap Lake, Washington, a new adventure just the three of us.