Tuesday, August 2, 2022


This morning while I was recovering from the ordeal of getting the long-promised bath in the kitchen sink, the humans decided to go for a bike ride.  Kathy and Warren drove up to our campground with their bikes and Kathe and Jim met them on the park road. There is a really nice bike path to the beach, but Jim decided that they should ride on the road because it was smoother, and not as narrow as the path. 

First, they rode about a mile to the beach and then another 2 miles to see the Lighthouse on the Coquille River. This historic lighthouse was built 1895 and neglected for many years before the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department took over the maintenance. Volunteer Park Rangers are on site to protect this landmark.

After they rode back to camp, they decided to have lunch together and take a drive to Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint. The Taylors have a collection of kites that they wanted to fly on the rocks above the beach. It was a very windy afternoon. The rocks and tidal flats adjacent to the park form part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge.

There are more than 300 bird species that frequent this area. Perfect place for flying birds as well as kites.

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