Friday, August 12, 2022


I guess they got tired of looking at trees, because today they drove off early in the morning. The first destination was a farmers' market in the town of Garberville about 20 minutes south of Meyers Flat. They did bring home some stuff, some eggs, but mostly vegetables. Both Kathies bought some delicious looking homemade jams. The overall impression of Garberville was that it was a hippie haven, and so they didn't spend much time there.

Back home to put things in the fridge, before heading in the opposite direction. That was north about 30 minutes to the Victorian town of Ferndale. They had a lot of fun looking at all the old restored Victorian homes and some bed and breakfast establishments. They walked the Main Street looking in all the little shops and stopped for a really nice Mexican lunch. They didn't come home with much this time, just a pair of socks for my Kathe and some miniature dollhouse furniture for Kathy T.

Tonight, is our last night here in Giant Redwoods Resort, and tomorrow we head south to Petaluma and the KOA. Looking forward to visiting Uncle Mark, Aunt Vicki, and my cousins Alex and Jake while we are there.  

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