Thursday, August 11, 2022


Today I went for a couple of walks around the campground with Kathe, and it is so spooky and quiet with all these tall trees up there. I don't stay out too long! Did I mention all the stuff that sticks in your fur? Redwood trees shed a lot of tiny branches and I like to bring them inside for Jim to sweep up every day. 

This afternoon my humans all went for a walk in the ancient redwoods on the Avenue of the Giants. It was supposed to be a hike, but it was really a walk in between the giant trees. It's impossible to take a picture to show just how big the trees are. First, they walked in the Founders Grove where they had a printed guide to all the interesting facts about the trees. Then they took the advice of the Rangers at the forest and found another area to visit.

The Rangers suggested that they drive to the Rockefeller Grove, as they felt that was the most beautiful drive in the forest. The road was very narrow, but they weren't wrong, it was beautiful. Some of the oldest trees were in that forest.They came upon this Stag, just munching the grass on the side of the road. A really wonderful day.

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