Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Here we are at the Giant Redwoods RV Park. The Internet is not so great, so I will make this short. It was a beautiful drive down highway 101, but we have no pictures of the drive. 

Jim wanted the Kathies to find a fuel station before we reached our destination. Not my Kathe's favorite job. After trying to find something on the internet big enough to accommodate 2 big rigs, they found a Costco in Eureka. It looked good until they pulled in line only to find that they didn't sell diesel fuel at this Costco. How scary, two big coaches that had to cross 4 or 5 lanes of traffic to exit without any damage. I thought my Kathe was going to have a coronary. Luckily, a Costco attendant stopped the traffic to let both of our rigs get out of the line of cars and back onto the highway. A few blocks down the highway we stumbled onto a great 76 station and fueled up.

After that experience nothing could be as bad! When we pulled into our RV Park we just decided to chill out for the rest of the day.  It's a really great park, right in the middle of the Avenue of the Giants. They plan to tour the area tomorrow and may even take a hike into the redwood groves.

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