Saturday, August 13, 2022


We had a really rough ride today down the 101 and we were all very happy when we finally reached Petaluma and the KOA. That is, until we saw the hundreds of people that were already here. We've been here before, but it's never been like this. 

It's a zoo! Yes, they even have a petting zoo. The place smells like goats. 

Looking at the pool you couldn't even see the water for the number of kids crowded in the space. Every site was filled with campers and there were at least 100 tents in the open field area. And there are lots of unfriendly barking doggies. Not what we were hoping for after a long drive. 

As there was no one to guide us to our site, Kathe and Jim got lost and almost took out a tree trying to turn around and get back to the space assigned to us. Jim was worried about the scratches on the coach, but he was able to polish them out. 

Kathy T got lost as well! I guess we were all tired, but we agreed that we would never come back to this place! Ever!

We are feeling a little better after a nice dinner and some treats, but happy that we are only here two nights.  

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