Sunday, August 7, 2022


Today was supposed to be a day to go bike riding into Patrick Point State Park. By the way, it's now called Sue-Meg State Park, the name was changed back to the Yurok Indian name recently. Patrick, as it turns out was a bad guy, so he lost his park. Anyway, it was so foggy this morning that the bike ride was postponed, hopefully for another sunny day. 

Looking at the Redwood Forest Map, they found a hike through the ancient redwood grove named for Lady Bird Johnston.  The hike was about a mile and a half loop through old-growth redwood, Douglas fir, and tanoak to where Lady Bird Johnson dedicated Redwood National Park in 1968. Some of the trees were at least 20 feet in diameter. There were even trees still thriving, showing signs of fire damage from many years ago. Of course, it was very foggy and cool on the hike with plenty of beautiful things to see. This area was a major logging area before the Redwoods State and National Parks were established.  These pictures show how the fog floats into the forest to nurture the trees.

On the way back to our campsite there were many sightings of the Roosevelt Elk herds that wander through the open prairies of wildflowers and grass. Maybe we will get close enough to take some pictures while we are here.

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