Saturday, August 6, 2022


We are finally here at "Sounds of the Sea" RV Resort. This is my third time here and we have the best site ever. This is our view, we have our own deck that looks out to the sea, and we can even hear the sea lions singing to each other.  There are wild black-berries everywhere, so the first thing Kathe did was pick a whole pail full. The cobbler is already in the oven!

Our drive here was very scary at times because of the road work on many of the bridges along the coast. Kathe kept telling Jim not to look down because the motor home was so close to the edge of the cliff. It was also foggy most of the way down. I know the redwood trees need the fog, but do they need so much of it?

Just getting settled in tonight. After three days in the forest the motor home was very dirty, and Jim took most of the afternoon to clean thing up. Now there is nothing to do but eat, drink and relax. 

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