Friday, August 5, 2022


This morning everyone was up early to catch the low tide at the Agate Beach. When I say early, that's human speech for 10:30 maybe 11:00. I've been up for hours! 

Anyway, Warren heard about this beach that was supposed to have lots of agates, pretty white stones with lots of gold flecks. As you can see, it was a very beautiful beach, with practically no one else around. There were lots of birds enjoying the low tide and all, but it was darn cold and windy. That rock out there is home to over 300 species of sea birds. Warren found two nice agates. Jim and Kathe found a bunch of pretty stones which they threw away, and Kathy T flew another of her beautiful kites. And it was darn cold and windy!

Next on the agenda today was a trip to the "Trees of Mystery," which is a giant tourist trap on Highway 101 in the middle of the Redwoods. Jokingly called the Trees of Misery, my humans proceeded to tramp through the woods and follow the crowds. It was an interesting and informative trail up into a forest with lots of giant trees. Part of the trail was a sky-bridge of 9 suspension walkways that 3 of the humans bravely crossed. Guess who stayed on the ground and watched them? The last part of the trail (before the gift shop) was a gondola ride that took them up above the tops of the trees. That was impressive.

Tomorrow it's another drive down the coast to our next stop, Sounds of the Sea, Trinidad, California.

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