Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Crossed the border this morning, and we are on our way back home. The drive on Highway 101 was beautiful but so difficult. Back and forth on the windy road for several hours. Lots of beautiful scenery, but the road was so rough that Kathe couldn't hold her cell phone steady long enough to get a good picture. The phone kept bouncing along with the road. Jim finally stopped at a viewpoint, and she snapped this one of the rocks along the Oregon Coast. 

One of hundreds of beautiful coastal views we saw today. The coast was very foggy and cool, so different than the hot weather we have experienced much of the summer.  We seem to be far enough away from the forest fire to have clear blue sky.

What a wonderful surprise it was when we arrived at our campground. Ramblin' Redwoods is exactly as advertised, in the middle of a Redwood Grove.  We have huge Redwoods all around us, so tall it's hard to take a picture. We are really happy to be here for the next three nights. 

It's so cool tonight we are even going to have a campfire!

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