Wednesday, August 17, 2022


So sorry I didn't post yesterday, but it wasn't worth your time. We spent August 15th driving from Santa Rosa to Greenfield, CA.  The highways were so rough that Kathe said her brains were rattled. The bumpiest road of the whole trip. We spent the night at the Yanks Resort, in the middle of lots of agriculture. The resort was nice, but there was nothing to see or do there. It was hot, and so windy that the trees were all slanted in the same direction.

Last night we were in Paso Robles at the Wine Country RV Resort waiting for the arrival of Jim's brother and his wife Linda. 

Once they got here, the fun began. Warren cooked his special smoked barbecued ribs, which along with the grilled corn, coleslaw, and cheesy garlic bread, made for a delicious dinner. They sat outside for the evening and swapped stories until it was my bedtime.

Early this afternoon all six of my human friends went for a wine tasting and lunch at Daou Vineyards. They tasted wines and ate several specialty luncheon plates on the members only patio overlooking the vineyard. Then everyone including me took a nap this afternoon. In a few minutes they will be off to eat dinner at a local fish restaurant.  I'm not expecting a doggie bag.

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