Friday, July 29, 2022



Ok here goes, another blog written on Kathe’s tablet. No internet AGAIN! 

Today they went looking for adventure. Crater Lake National Park is just a few miles from Lemolo Lake. They decided to take a picnic and leave me home to watch the chipmunks. We are camped in the middle of the forest, there are lots of tress, and lots of wild and crazy chipmunks. Sad to say, the area around here had a devastating fire recently, and so many of the trees were burned. The road into Crater Lake would make you cry to see how much it’s changed since our last visit.

Crater Lake itself is still beautiful, the deepest lake in the world, and so very blue. Once you get into the National Park, there are still lots of green pine trees and lots of tourists. Kathe and Jim spent the whole day driving around and checking out the overlooks, and of course checking out the giant campground. There are tons of campsites, but I don’t think we will ever camp there. No water, no power, not our style.

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