Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Sorry I'm late tonight, but Kathe was partying again, and I don't have the password to start the blog without her.

This morning all of the girls went shopping in Whitefish, Montana. Whitefish is about 30 minutes away with all kinds of nice touristy shops. Kathy T and her sister Sharon bought presents for each other and some really cute pajamas. Gerry bought a few pairs of pretty hand-crafted earrings, and my Kathe bought a hat with an LED in the middle of it. It's embarrassing enough to walk with her in the mornings in her pajamas and slippers, now she's added a ridiculous red hat with a high beam sticking out of her head to the outfit.

While the girls went shopping, Warren, Jim and John went for a long bike ride into the park. They had a great time together and rode all the way to Fish Creek and back on the electric bikes. 

This evening my humans had a party potluck dinner for fourteen. Carol arrived this afternoon from Idaho and Maryn, Roger, Paul and Jean drove over from their campsite in Hungry Horse. Looked like the food was awesome, but I wasn't offered anything. They cooked steaks and hamburgers. There was a whole lot of food and wine served along with the barbecue. After dinner they had a roaring campfire and enjoyed themselves until the mosquitos arrived, sending everyone back home. 

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