Monday, July 4, 2022


They should but a black X on the T-shirts that say, "Going to the Sun Road", because you can't! Everyone is very disappointed that the road is closed, and you can't past Avalanche Creek. With the road closed, there isn't much to see or do at Glacier. I pity the people that came from other countries for that once in a lifetime experience.

My humans are making the best of the situation. Today they drove up as far as possible and took pictures of the raging waters of McDonald River. They stopped at all of the overlooks and took pictures. They were trying to see if they could book a scenic cruise on McDonald Lake, but that was overbooked because there's nothing else to do except shopping. 

Jim is dying for a bike ride, but it's been raining cats. Kathe made me do outside last night when it was pouring. I got so wet that I ran back into the coach before she could catch me. So much for my nice hairdo, now I look like a drowned rat. And more rain is predicted for tonight.

Right now, Warren is cooking up some beans and barbecued ribs for a Fourth of July feast. John and Gerry are bringing the huckleberry pie, and Kathe made some corn bread and slaw. Sounds good!

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