Thursday, July 7, 2022


Today is Jim's birthday, so, he got to decide what we were going to do today. Of course, he chose a bike ride into the park. With the rain last night, it didn't look too promising this morning, but Kathe, Jim, Carol and Warren were going to ride, rain or shine. Luckily, the sun peeked out and they started out on the bike trail into Glacier. The bike trail was fabulous once they got started. They rode through the forest of ferns and Lodge Pole pines noticing a few piles of bear scat on the trail. Soon, they saw a group of riders quietly standing on the side of the path. Seems there was a black bear about 75 feet into the forest partial hidden by the foliage. In the picture all you can see is a bear butt on the lower left, but it was exciting to see one this close to the bike path.

They rode up to McDonald Lake in a slight drizzle but stopped to take a picture of the mountains across the Lake. It was a really amazing ride, and the most amazing part was that Kathe stayed upright almost the whole ride. There was a tiny little unplanned trip into the bushes, but she didn't fall. All and all a perfect day. 

And it's not over yet, Warren is cooking Jim's favorite dinner tonight, pork chops. Kathe is making the potatoes, and Gerry is baking the beans. There is even apple pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

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