Monday, July 25, 2022


Well, last night was too much fun. We reunited with Kathy and Warren and my pals, Gianni and Bella. They were supposed to spend more time with their relatives, but they missed us so much that they came back to camp with us a week early.  All anyone did last night was talk, eat, drink and play cards. Nothing very blog worthy in my opinion. But it was really fun to get out in the grass with my buddies, I missed them!

This morning we drove about 140 miles to the beautiful Bend/Sisters RV Resort. We have been here before several times, and we love it. So many pretty trees and flowers, and large grassy lawn areas. This is a picture looking out our front window at one of the lakes. There are lots of rules and regulations for doggies. Kathe and I tried to follow the "no dogs on the plants or grass" rule, but the pavement was so hot I was doing the hot potato dance. Finally, I made it to the "official pet walk," only to be sprayed by a million sprinklers. Why in heavens name would they water the dog walk area in the middle of the afternoon. Kathe and I got SOAKED!  

Guess what, we aren't following their stupid rules anymore.

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