Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Well, the plan this morning was to take a tour of the Smokejumper facility here in Missoula. However, it's closed until Thursday, so plan "B" was a tour of the historical old town of Missoula. My Kathe printed out a map of the 10 most historical buildings, but I think it was just an excuse to go shopping again. Luckily it was very hot in town today, in the high 90's so they were back home after a couple of hours. They did see some interesting buildings, like this Art Deco Hotel. There were also lots of little shops with crafts and jewelry. I only saw a couple of shopping bags, but I guess the ladies had some success.

Back home in the motor home my Kathe did some laundry. Note to doggies: When all the laundry is done, look out, it is probably bath time for you. I didn't really enjoy it, but I guess I was getting pretty stinky. Now, I'm beautiful again.

Speaking of beauty, this park is really amazing. there are so many places where they have planted flowers and sculptures that it's a pleasure just to go for a walk. They have 5 full time gardeners and there are flowers everywhere. Kathe took a bunch of pictures.

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