Friday, July 22, 2022


We arrived here at Peach Beach RV Resort in Goldendale, Oregon early this afternoon. We were greeted by the campground host and given a bag with a fresh peach and nectarine from the orchard. The orchard is right here next to the Resort. What a nice welcome!

Our campsite is on the shore of the Columbia River and there are several people wind surfing out in front of us on the river. It's so beautiful here and cool. It was 97 When we left Yakima this morning and it's in the 70's here, with a nice breeze. Didn't even need the air conditioning at all, we just opened all the windows.

Kathe and Jim walked to the Peach Orchard Farm Store and came back with more peaches and some blueberries, but that was the excitement of the day. 

I like to watch the big doggies that are camped next to us, they are playing Frisbee on the lawn and swimming in the river. I'm just going to relax with Kathe and Jim in the shade.

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