Saturday, July 30, 2022


We are only a few miles from Diamond Lake, so Jim loaded the bikes on the Jeep this morning for a ride around the Lake. We have our own lake here at the campground, but there is no bike path, just a dirt and wood chip path down to the water. They do have boats to rent here, but Jim really wanted to ride. 

It’s still pretty hot here but a bike ride in the shade around the lake appealed to both of them. The ride was really very beautiful most of the way, but the recent fires in this area left its mark. Of course, Jim rode longer and farther than Kathe, but she waited for him by the lake under the pine trees. This is a shot looking down the bike path.

Tomorrow, we leave for the cooler Oregon coast. I’m sad to leave the chipmunks, but I’m ready for a change of scenery.

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