Saturday, July 9, 2022


This morning we said goodby to all our visitors and headed to Missoula, Montana. It was a really nice drive all the way around Flat Head Lake, and down to Jim and Mary's RV Park. Flat Head Lake is HUGE! The road was quite tippy all morning, and we sort of went rocking back and forth for many miles. 

So, as soon as Kathe started to set things up, she noticed red spots everywhere. Seems the stopper in a nearly full bottle of red wine popped its cork and spattered red wine all over the place. On the floor, the kitchen table, the wall, the carpet, and most alarmingly the upholstered dining chair. 

Boy was Kathe upset. She tried to get the polka dotty stains out with all sorts of products. I thought she was going to break down and start crying. Eventually she was able to get things sorted and hopefully when the chair dries it will look better.  She's feeling a lot better now that Kathy T brought her a watermelon margarita.

Okay, so about the RV Park, it's fabulous. There is a beautiful flower arrangement between every site.  We have grass all around our 80-foot-long site and the internet is excellent. They even have a doggie park with green grass, the first one Gianni, Bella and I have seen since California. I could stay here forever, or at least 4 days.

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