Sunday, July 3, 2022


I tried and I tried to post my blog last night, but everyone must have had the same idea. There was no way I could get onto the internet.  Our long drive here was really scenic with the snowy mountain in front of us almost the whole way.  We finally we arrived in West Glacier at our beautiful RV Resort in the late afternoon. By the time we got set up, met Uncle John and Aunt Gerry and Kathy T's sister, and ate dinner with everyone it was 10 o'clock. So, after about an hour of trying to get the computer to work, I gave up and went to bed. Today I'm getting an earlier start to let you know what we did today. Don't worry if I miss a day, it's not my fault if Kathe is partying till the wee hours.

After watching it rain for a few hours this morning we finally went outside for a walk around the park between the raindrops. Because of the snow and damage to the Going To The Sun Road much of Glacier Park is closed. And you need a special pass to drive on the parts of the park that are still open. 

Since not all of us had passes today we chose to take both Jeeps up to the Polebridge, Montana, just outside of Glacier. The road was mostly unpaved and very muddy due to the rain. It was a really pretty drive and at the end of the road was the Polebridge Mercantile. Delicious pastries for everyone!

Here is a picture of Jim's Jeep after the drive. It's supposed to be silver, not brown. Now he's trying to find a car wash.

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