Wednesday, July 27, 2022


This morning we had to move from site 72 to another site on the other side of the RV park. Seems that Kathe made a mistake on the reservation and we only had site 72 for 2 not 3 nights. Luckily, the park had a cancellation and we were able to move this morning to site 40. A closer site to the Taylors, but not as nice a view, but we are able to stay another night. It's closer to the dog walk which makes two of us happy.

It's still blazing hot today, the paper says there's a record heat wave in the Northeast. We know! It's 103 in the shade. I'm just glad we have 3 air conditioners running, and a nice cold tile floor to curl up on.

The humans went to the Mill District for lunch today. This area was once a lumber mill in Bend right on the Deschutes River. Now it's a shopping mall with some really nice restaurants. You can see the people floating in tubes down along the River and keeping cool on a hot summer afternoon. 

Tomorrow we leave the Bend/Sisters and head toward the Crater Lake area. We're staying in Lemolo Lakes, a new adventure for us. The Taylors will be going to Seven Feathers Resort as they weren't able to get a reservation where we are staying. We'll meet them again on the Coast in a few days.

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