Sunday, July 10, 2022


About 30 miles away from Missoula is a ghost town called Garnet. The humans packed a lunch and headed out for an excursion this afternoon to see this abandoned gold mine. In the early 1860's a strike on the Bear Creek first brought prospectors to the area. The discovery of a 32-ounce nugget area brought another wave of miners. During the boom years the town had 4 stores, seven hotels, 3 livery stables, barber shops, a butcher shop, a candy shop, drugstore and numerous miner's cabins. Many of those buildings are still standing. There are also artifacts and interesting pieces of furniture and belongings on display.

The Bureau of Management and the Garnet Preservation Association recognized this area as one of Montana's most intact ghost towns and secured title to the properties and stabilized this important part of mining heritage.

They spent the whole afternoon exploring the area enjoying the trees and cool mountain air and the beautiful wild lilac bushes. Kathe and Warren found lots of places where there were wild strawberry, blackberry, and huckleberry growing, but it's too soon for any to be ripe. Bet it would be a great place in the late summer, especially for the bears.

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