Wednesday, July 20, 2022


It's really hot here! 94 in the shade! Kathe didn't want to do anything, but unfortunately, I had a grooming appointment, so she had to leave the air conditioning long enough to drive me to Petco. I looked great when she picked me up, but I fixed it myself by rolling around on the carpet. At least I still smell good.

While I was getting my bath, she spent some time in Costco and Safeway. Her excuse was that the next two places we are going are so remote that we might run out of food. Like that's ever going to happen!

Jim went for a bike ride this morning and spent the afternoon repairing the backup camera. He fixed it a few months ago with tape and string, but today he made a permanent repair. Cross your paws that it works. Oh yeah, he also washed one side of the motorhome. We could use the rain; it might help cool things down.

Tonight, Jim barbecued a steak and some vegetables. A really delicious dinner, but we couldn't eat outside.  Last night we were eaten alive by the mosquitos and the biting flies! Ah, the great outdoors.  

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