Sunday, June 30, 2019


Somebody got the great idea to take us all on the drive today.  Three doggies and four humans, squeezed in a little car. Just about as much fun as it sounds!

We drove over 100 miles from our campground to the Lamar Valley to see the herds of bison and as many other creatures as we could find. I was standing up the whole way, but Gianni and Bella got tired and slept on my blanket.  It was a beautiful drive and we saw many animals, stopping every time we saw anything that looked like it was moving. The Lamar Valley is away from the most popular places in the park,  so it wasn't too crowded.  But once one car stopped, a whole bunch of cars stopped. Everyone was yelling, and pulling out cameras. What is it? What did you see!

We did see two bears, but we were too far away to get a clear picture. We saw several hundred bison in large groups, but we were so far away that they just looked like peppercorns on a green salad. Couldn't get a closeup picture at all. Finally, on the ride back to camp there was one very large bison right on the shoulder of the road. Kathe took this shot and we were able to see the little birds on it's back.  I growled at him and he moved on to the other side of the road.

If anyone asks, I'm staying home tomorrow.

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