Saturday, June 29, 2019


This morning Kathe and Jim asked me if I wanted to sit in the car for six hours while they drove from West Yellowstone to Mammoth Hot Springs. Guess what? I declined.  Stayed home instead in the nice cool motor home curled up on a soft blanket. Most of the places here don't allow dogs anyway.

They were looking for wildlife as they drove the fifty or so miles to Mammoth Hot Springs.  As soon they got past Madison campground the crowds thinned out and it was a pleasant drive. There were elk, swans, moose, buffalo and even a bear on the side of the highway, but nothing was close enough to photograph.

They stopped at Artist Paintpots and hiked up to the highest view point for some pictures. When they reached Mammoth Hot Springs they hiked the upper and lower terraces. That was strenuous because they had to climb hundreds of stairs to reach the top.  It was worth the effort as there were so many beautiful thermal features along the path.

The most exciting part of the trip was the ride home when Kathy T sighted a grizzly bear off in the distance.  By the time they backed up and stopped about twenty other cars stopped too,
causing a "bear jam" which scared the bear away. Better luck next time!

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