Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Another day here in Rock Springs.  Much of the same today at the Tiffin Rally, seminars and
shopping.  The only thing a little different is that we have a HIGH wind warning.  It's been very windy every day, so we can't wait to see how much higher the winds are going to be this afternoon.  We're bringing in the outdoor carpet and chairs and of course the awnings, in anticipation. It's blowing so hard right now that coach is rocking.
Today they are having a coach decorating contest.  The theme is Happy Trails! Lots of people are participating. The judging was supposed to be at 3:00 this afternoon, but they moved it up 2 hours because all the decorations are blowing away.  Warren and Kathy decorated their coach and we saw the judges come back twice to check it out. Keeping my paws crossed that they win something before it all blows away down the street!

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