Thursday, June 27, 2019


We've been here several days now and everyone around us has spotted bears. One man showed us pictures of a grizzly that he saw up the highway near the Continental Divide, then another camper told us about a black bear he saw yesterday morning in the same area.  So, last night the Kathies went on an expedition by themselves. No luck, they saw some deer and one elk up, but no bears.

This morning they all went to Jackson Hole to ride the aerial tram to the 10,450 foot summit. Along the way up they spotted this bear.  It was a 12 minute ride to the top where they enjoyed waffles and hot chocolate before heading down.  Since the lift ticket included another gondola ride to the Bridger summit at 9095 feet they rode that as well.  They saw another bear on that ride too. Guess the bears must like the ski runs.

Later in the day they stopped at the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve a little known area in the Grand Teton National Park.  It was a quiet spot for reflection with a beautiful visitors
center. Kathe and Jim hiked a short distance to this waterfall.  Limited parking kept most of the tourists away. Next time we come here we will spend more time in this beautiful spot.

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