Friday, June 14, 2019


With the time change, we all slept in this morning, even me.  When we finally went outside, we found a post office next to our campsite with a big, beautiful green lawn. I left a special delivery this morning before Kathe saw the sign that read, No dog walking in this area!  Oh well, sorry, I can't read.  Guess we will be walking somewhere else from now on.

After breakfast, they all drove off leaving us four-legged types at home.  Cedar Breaks National Monument is about 22 miles from the town of Cedar City, an uphill climb over 10,000 feet above sea level. It's an unbelievable drive up to the Visitors Center.  There are aspens, junipers and some weather beaten bristlecone pines all the way up the mountain.  The temperature dropped below fifty degrees. Soon, they started seeing snow on the side of the road. Then it was everywhere. They had to stop and take pictures and throw a few snowballs.

Tonight my friend Warren is cooking a tri-tip on the grill, hope we can have a taste before the rain starts.  I can hear the thunder and lightning already.

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