Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Since it's so hard to stay connected here at the Fireside Buffalo RV I missed telling you some of the stuff that happened yesterday. Like the fact that last night we had a another hailstorm.  It started out like a heavy rainstorm, but then the sky started throwing snowballs at us. Luckily the ice was so slushy we didn't have any damage, but it was quite a storm.

Later that evening both Kathies got gussied up and the men took them to a fancy dinner at the Jackson Lodge. Would you believe they had prime rib and didn't bring any home. They saw a herd of elk cross the road that night on the way home which caused a big traffic jam.

This morning while Kathe and I caught up on our beauty sleep, Jim and Warren went for a bike ride back in the National Park.  Jim got stopped by the ranger for riding an electric bike on the path and had to convince her that he didn't even have the motor on. She gave him a warning and let him continue along with the ride.

You'd be surprised how tiring it is chasing critters here and sticking my nose into every squirrel hole in this campground  There must be a billion holes, and I've yet to flush out even one squirrel.

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