Saturday, June 22, 2019


Well, we almost didn't have a blog tonight.  There is no internet in the National Park and no cell phone coverage in the campground.  So, Jim placed our handy little cell phone booster on the roof of the coach and we're able to use our hot spot tonight. But it is really slow going!

The drive here was spectacular! We took a lot of pictures which we couldn't download because of the limited cell coverage on Kathe's phone.  Jim took some pictures when we arrived here at Coulter Bay Village Campground.  We walked down to the bay and got a picture of the Teton mountains that are still covered in snow.  There was a little bit of frozen rain on my walk around the campground after dinner, but the sun came out again shortly thereafter. I love it here out in the wild, I've already spotted some chipmunks at the campsite and there were several deer sneaking around in the trees.

An area near the Coulter Bay Store was roped  off and there was a crowd of people taking pictures of some foxes that are living under the laundry building.  There was a red Momma fox and 5 cute gray baby pups rolling around in the woods. Maybe tomorrow we can get closer and get some better pictures.

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