Friday, June 21, 2019


Here we are at Highline Trail RV Resort in Boulder, Wyoming.  It's quite a change from where we have been for the last 4 days.  We have a nice wide site with a view of the snow capped mountains. We're not squished together with 350 other coaches on the fairgrounds anymore.  It's quiet and beautiful here and there's lots of open space for walks.  It is a little cold, but not windy which is making everyone happy.  I wish we didn't have to move tomorrow.

Today is the first day of summer and someone forgot to tell Wyoming.  Tonight it's supposed to  go down to 27 degrees and they told us to unhook our water hose to prevent freezing!  Funny, last summer it was so hot I was complaining about the heat and this summer we are freezing! A fur coat sure comes in handy.

About 8 miles from this campground is the Lander Cut-off, the northern fork of the Oregon Trail.  You  can still see the ruts of the trail from the side of highway 191. This important route was used from 1857 until the coming of the railroad in 1869.

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