Monday, June 17, 2019


Here we are at last, at the Sweetwater Event Center, for the Tiffin Summer Rally.  By 4 o'clock this afternoon there will be over 350 motor homes parked here on the fairgrounds in Rock Springs Wyoming. There are four days of seminars and events scheduled including meals and entertainment.

There will be products for sale and service technicians to repair and install whatever we may need for our coach.

Not much is happening today as the opening ceremonies will be this evening, but starting tomorrow all the humans will be running around trying to fit as many activities into each day as possible. They will also have the newest Tiffin models on display, only I hope Kathe and Jim don't buy a new model.  I'm just getting used to this one, and you can't teach an old dog and so forth!

Everyone is taking it easy right now, it's raining so we're all inside this afternoon. I took a picture of Gianni and Bella napping. I might just curl for a nap myself.  Why not!

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