Sunday, June 9, 2019


It looks like we're getting ready for another Adventure!  I'm packing for a 2 month trip to Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. 15 cans of dog food, check, 4 bags of treats, check, shampoo and conditioner, check, vitamins, medications, and a nice clean pad for my crate, check. All systems go on my end, but you should see the pile of junk Jim is packing in our car!

We leave tomorrow and will spend one night in Calico Ghost Town before we head to Vegas to meet Gianni and Bella and their humans. I haven't seen my friends since last summer and I'm eally looking forward to a good bark fest when I get there.

This will be the ninth year of "Adventures" for me. That's me with a little bit of gray hair, but I'm still hanging in there and ready for another long trip.

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