Tuesday, June 11, 2019


We are arrived here in Wild, Wild Las Vegas a little bit after noon. We have a great site at the Las Vegas Motor Coach Resort. As soon as we were set up Kathy and Warren returned from a trip to the casino to make us lunch.  It was great to see them again, but really great to see Bella and Gianni my pals from last summer.  All of us doggies went for a short walk, trying to find a cool grassy spot was a little hard.  It's 107 here and the pavement is blazing hot.

After lunch and after a little catching up with our friends, we doggies opted for a snooze in the air conditioned coaches while the humans went to Cabellas/Silverton for some shopping and casino action. Kathe took some pictures of the wildlife in the store so that I would feel like they were really outdoors! Hopefully we won't run into any real live critters like this.

We might be in big trouble though, Kathe and Jim have learned how to play poker and spent the rest of the night at the casino.  So much for the penny slot machines!

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