Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Sorry about last night.  We had no service. No cell service on either carrier, no sending pictures, no texting, and no internet even with our special WIFI booster. I guess it was the cloudy weather, but who knows.  We had to use the walkies just to communicate the Taylors about dinner.

Yesterday, every one went into the town of Jackson for shopping and took a picture in front of the stacks of antlers in town. Then they had lunch at the World Famous Million Dollar Cowboy Bar. The bar has a million silver dollars embedded into it's surface and the stools are saddles. None of my crew were brave to try to sit on one of the saddles. Just watching the other tourists trying to get on and off was enough entertainment.  One lady got stuck and it took  two guys to get her off the saddle and back on the ground.

This morning we moved to the Fireside Buffalo Resort just about 15 minutes from Jackson Lodge, but outside of the National Park, so it's much less crowded and very quiet. This is a picture from the front of our coach.  We'll  be here for 3 days. There are tons of squirrel holes to sniff and a bunch of horses beyond the fence to bark at.  I'm loving it.

g it.

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