Monday, July 1, 2019


Since we have been driving into the Park everyday and fighting the hundreds of tourists and their vehicles, so we decided to take the morning off today. The plan was to relax and wait until the early evening to venture back into the park.

Kathe and Jim didn't exactly take the morning off because they had chores that needed to be done.  Jim was replacing more blinking overhead lights, bringing the total up to fifteen, with more to come.  Kathe had laundry to do and then decided that it was the perfect day to give me a bath. That's when she found a bald spot on my fur and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the veterinary clinic. Good news, a couple of pills and I should be as good as new. Jim showed me how to do a comb-over so I could hide my bald spot!

When we got home I took a nap, just too much excitment for one day for me. They all went back into the Park for a view of Old Faithful.  The plan worked, going into the Park late in the afternoon and missing all the traffic. The geyser was beautiful as always, and after a trip to the visitors center and some shopping they started back to camp. Not much traffic but someone forgot to tell the elk not to walk so close to the road. That caused an hour back up on the only highway out of the Park.  Late dinner for me tonight.

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