Monday, July 15, 2019


I know you want to know what Kathe and Jim did today, but first I have tell you about my exciting morning.  At about 6 AM on my usual walk-about, I saw something I've not seen in any National Park.  It was a very big black kitty with wide white stripe down it's back.  I started to chase it, but for some reason Kathe woke up and pulled me back. I'm still trying to figure out which bush it is hiding under.  More tomorrow on my search.

The Kathies both had something in common on their bucket list. They wanted to experience High Tea at the legendary Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada. So, this
morning they all set off for the Canadian side of Glacier Park.

It only took about an hour to cross into Canada and drive to the Hotel.  Good thing they remembered their passports! Waterton Lakes is a beautiful Park, established in 1932 as the first international peace park. They arrived at the hotel few minutes before the Tea was served and secured a table overlooking the Waterton Lake.  The hotel was built in 1927 and started serving this High Tea in 1945 to celebrate the end of the war. The tea was a treat for all of them.  Lots of delicious sandwiches and pastries as well as some special English teas.

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