Saturday, July 6, 2019


It can't always be rainbows and lollipops! Today was one of those days!  Here's a picture from the windshield this afternoon! Hail, rain, thunder and lightning right over us for about 45 minutes. Then when it cleared up, Kathe, Jim and I went for a long a walk down by the river.  Everything is wet and green, green, green! I'm still loving it here!

After a delicious breakfast at the little cafe here in the campground this morning, Kathe and Jim drove 20 miles into Bozeman.  Jim's back has been bothering him so the first stop was the Chiropractor.  Next came a trip to the hair salon where they both got groomed.

They did a little grocery shopping and that pretty much wasted the whole day. They arrived home just in time to see another rainstorm coming straight down the mountain toward us. The sun will shine tomorrow.

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