Thursday, July 11, 2019


Everyone got up early this morning to take a boat tour on the Missouri River. They boarded the Sacajawea II for a cruise to the "Gates of the Mountains". This passage was discovered and named by Lewis and Clark as they rowed their boats down the deep channel of the Missouri on July 19, 1805. The magnificent limestone cliffs on either side of the river are over 1200 feet high.  On the tour they saw several bald eagles, osprey, and white penguins flying above and around the steep wooded canyons. The "Gates" appear to be closed until you are right upon them and then you see that there is a passage between the cliffs.

Later in the day in a halfhearted attempt to find a place to go fishing, they drove to to Black Sandy State Park and White Sandy Park where the Hauser Dam is supposed to be a great place to catch fish.  I really don't think that either Warren or Jim really want to go fishing.  There is always something not quite right about everyplace that might be a place to fish.  They spent more time looking at the fish in Costco this afternoon than they did looking for a fishing hole.

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